
“Triumph of the Hearts” by Judy Baca, Professor of Chicana/o Studies at UCLA
Honors Programs seek to provide students in the College of Letters and Science with a unique and challenging educational experience. The primary goal is to provide the most stimulating educational experience possible to UCLA students drawn from the most representative and diverse populations as possible. Departmental Honors promotes this goal by providing an enriched experience of individualized tutorial guidance by a two-member faculty committee who guide the student through the application of critical thinking, development of essential methodological and technical skills, and application of these to an independent primary research project of high scholarly standards.
Departmental Honors
Samantha Hogan, Student Affairs Officer
1120 Rolfe Hall, shogan@gender.ucla.edu
Criteria and Preparation
- Minimum cumulative GPA: 3.5; eligible for contract courses [with no outstanding Incompletes]
- Completion of Gender Studies prep and core courses. It is recommended that a majority of the elective courses be completed as well
- Recommendation of two faculty members affiliated with the department
- Approval of honors proposal by the Chair or designee
- Student’s obligations: initiate project, approach faculty, get faculty sponsor and co-sponsor agreements, prepare and file contract enrollments on time; meet regularly with faculty sponsor, consult faculty co-sponsor as appropriate, meet deadlines provided by faculty members; submit the final project to both faculty and to GS undergraduate advisor (provide three copies for the Awards committee) by the due date.
- Faculty sponsor’s obligations: as the primary faculty mentor, guides student throughout the project, meeting weekly with student through both quarters; signs honors contract and Independent study enrollment forms; is responsible for grade rosters both terms and assignment of final grade; evaluates the final project and confers with faculty co-sponsor to arrive at a joint recommendation for the level of honors designation to be conferred. (Departmental guidelines for Faculty will be provided by the SAO when they sign on to sponsor an Honors project.)
- Faculty co-sponsor’s obligations: as an additional mentor, signs honors contract; provides feedback and resource help at the outset of project, feedback at mid-point of project; evaluates final project and confers with faculty sponsor on the honors level to recommend. (Departmental guidelines for Faculty will be provided by the SAO when they sign on to sponsor an Honors project.)
Guidelines for Students
- Cumulative GPA: 3.5
- Faculty Sponsors confirmed in writing. Form 1 and 2 must be submitted to Student Affairs Officer.
- Submission of timeline to completion to Student Affairs Officer and Adviser by week 7 of fall quarter
- Chapter/assignment submissions to faculty should be set one week before scheduled meetings.
- A minimum of 10 pages and a chapter outline must be submitted to faculty sponsor in Fall before enrolling in 198B section in Winter quarter.
- Thesis Page limit: 35 pages minimum.
- Full draft of thesis due last week of Winter quarter.
- Final thesis due Week 7 of Spring quarter.
Honors Designation
Upon written recommendation(s) of the Faculty sponsor and Co-sponsor, the Gender Studies Honors and Awards Committee determines the level of honors to be granted: NO HONORS, HONORS, or HIGHEST HONORS. That determination is conveyed to the Registrar’s office, to be reflected on the transcript and diploma. The conferral of Departmental Honors is announced at Commencement and memorialized by certificate.