Rosie Stockton

Rosie Stockton

Office: 1120 Rolfe Hall


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Rosie Stockton is a PhD student in the Gender Studies Department. Their research draws on abolitionist feminisms, Black feminist thought, and queer and trans critique to think with political and aesthetic practices of anti-carceral resistance. They look specifically at the political economy of the California carceral state, focusing on long term sentencing, the criminalization of social reproduction, and abolitionist practices of care, kinship, and mutual aid. They are an organizer with the California Coalition for Women Prisoners (CCWP) and the DROP LWOP campaign. They are also a poet, and their first book, Permanent Volta, is forthcoming from Nightboat Books, May 2021

Research Interests

Abolitionist Feminisms, Black Feminist Thought, and Queer and Trans Critique