Gender Studies PhDs receive UC President’s Postdocs!
Ph.D. candidates in Gender Studies Stephanie Lumsden and Laura Terrance recipients of 2022 UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellowships.
Stephanie Lumsden (Hupa) is a recipient of the 2022 UC President’s postdoctoral fellowship in the History department at UC Santa Cruz. During her postdoc Stephanie will be mentored by Professor Amy Lonetree as she continues the research she began for her dissertation. Her dissertation, “Policing, Incarceration, and Dispossession: California Indians and Carceral Statecraft,” examines the relationship between California Indian dispossession and the development of the carceral settler state in northwestern California.
Laura Terrance is a recipient of the 2022 UC Presidents postdoctoral fellowship in the English Department at UC Santa Barbara and mentored by Professor Candace Waid. Laura’s research project theorizes representation of violence as assertions of anti-colonial power. Relying on two Haudenosaunee epistemologies, rotiskenrakete and kanikonriio, it examines the role retributive violence plays in the colonial/colonized imagination that limits methods to realize struggles for social justice, self-determination, and sovereignty. Specifically, I examine cultural production that disrupts normative discourses of violent revenge to reveal how the implementation of alternative epistemologies provides a novel approach to thinking about the limits of settler state justice. Through an examination of Indigenous and Black literature, documentaries, short films, feature length films, and music videos, I argue that representations of anti-colonial violence demonstrate the complicated nature of retribution in the context of settler colonization and its afterlife. I further argue that these representations show how interpersonal violence can emerge from and combat structures of settler colonialism, that anti-colonial retributive violence is enacted at the level of community, and that affective responses provide the opportunity to imagine a future beyond settler colonialism.
Congratulations Stephanie and Laura!