Salih Can Açiksöz
I am an interdisciplinary-minded anthropologist working at the intersection of political violence, gender, health, and embodiment. My first book “Sacrificial Limbs: Masculinity, Disability, and Political Violence in Turkey” (University of California Press, 2019) centers on disabled veterans of Turkey’s Kurdish war. Chronicling veteran’s post-injury lives and political activism, the book examines how veterans’ experiences of war and disability are closely linked to class, gender, and ultimately the embrace of ultranationalist right-wing politics. Sacrificial Limbs won the New Millennium Book Award from the Society for Medical Anthropology, MES Book Award Honorable Mention from the American Anthropological Association’s Middle East Section, the Fatema Mernissi Book Award from the Middle East Studies Association, and the Fuat Köprülü Book Prize from the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association.